Energy & Infrastructure

The Energy & Infrastructure cluster was initiated based on the 2022-2024 ETH Zurich study "Assessment of the Impact of War on Ukraine's Energy and Critical Infrastructure and Calculation of the Renewable Energy Potential and More Suitable Territories for Sustainable Reconstruction of Ukraine," conducted by Senior Researcher Dr. Iryna Doronina (ISTP, ETH Zurich) in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Adrienne Grêt-Regamey (Institute for Spatial and Landscape Planning, PLUS, ETH Zurich), Tobias Schmidt (Professur für Energie- & Technologiepolitik D-GESS, ISTP ETH Zürich), Dr. Marcelo Galleguillos Torres (ETH), Vasyl Doronin (Ukrainian Hydrogen Association), and supported by The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).

This applied research was based on best research practices in Switzerland and aimed to provide an understanding of how to rebuild Ukraine’s energy sector in a low-carbon and conflict-resilient manner. As a result of the project, a unique database of all energy facilities in Ukraine (1700 units) was created and mapped. The suitability of territories was assessed using spatial analysis, and detailed potential for the implementation of clean technologies was assessed, including a breakdown at the local community level. In 2024, keyey aspects of the study were included in a peer-reviewed publication in the journal “Joule Cell”. Practical aspects of the research were published in the article "How Ukraine can rebuild its energy system" featured on the ETH website in September 2024.

The results of the subsequent study "Impact Assessment of the War on Civil Infrastructure" were used by BABS (Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection) in preparation for the 2023 conference dedicated to the impact of the war on the resilience of Ukrainian infrastructure and for preparing the official report to support new approaches for protecting Switzerland’s civil infrastructure.

Based on her experience at ETH, Dr. Iryna Doronina participated in an International Energy Agency (IEA) report on the creation of a high-level roadmap for energy sector transformation and decentralization in Ukraine. Detailed calculations and maps of infrastructure damage were also used in reports by OSCE and Greenpeace.

To strengthen energy security, implement, and develop hydrogen infrastructure, the Ukrainian Hydrogen Association (part of the Energy & Infrustructure cluster since 2023) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with European industry organizations from Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, and Denmark, and is negotiating joint projects in Ukraine with Swiss energy companies. This MOU supports the integration of innovative and hydrogen projects in Ukraine, utilizing the country’s export potential.

To exchange experiences, support project preparation, and provide specialized training for representatives of Ukrainian communities, the Ukrainian Hydrogen Association signed a cooperation agreement with the Zaporizhzhia Regional Development Agency. Collaboration with the NGO "YES" has been established to support decentralization reform and assist devastated communities in southern and eastern Ukraine. This collaboration supports initiatives aimed at improving the quality of project preparation and informs initiatives about the key requirements and principles of Ukraine’s future sustainable reconstruction.

For preparing technological assessments on-site and supporting Swiss projects, a memorandum of cooperation was signed with TESLAENERGO LLC, a leading company in energy sustainable development in Ukraine. The collaboration is based on a transparent assessment of the impact of the war and spatial analysis, aiming to transform urban planning into more resilient models and support the private sector of Switzerland in the process of Ukraine's reconstruction.

Research and Industry Partners
ETH Zurich
TU Munich
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Ukrainian Hydrogen Association

Members and Contacts

Dr. Iryna Doronina, MPA, Senior Researcher at ETH 2022-2024, expert on war impact assessment on infrastructure and project support for reconstruction,
Yuriy Kamelchuk, Member of Parliament of Ukraine, Committee on Energy, Housing, and Utilities Services. PACE delegate, Innovative & Hydrogen Energy Ambassador, invited speaker at the ETH scientific symposium "Documenting the War in Ukraine" in 2023.
Vasyl Doronin, MBA, former Coach “CAS Rebuild Ukraine (BFH)”, president of the Ukrainian Hydrogen Association, graduate of the University of St. Gallen (CAS Sustainable Management) and UZH (CAS Sustainable Finance), expert of energy transformation working groups in the Ukrainian Parliament and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Eugen Rossikov, ex-chief expert at the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine and delegate from Ukraine to the EU Energy Charter, Ukrainian Task Force for the Ukrainian Energy Sector Damage Assessment (European Commission).
Askad Ashurbekov, a member of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Parliament, an expert on regional transformation and development.
Oleg Riyabykin, Head of PIROMIX LLC, specializing in waste recycling and synthetic fuel and gas production, using ”Power to X” and cogeneration units.