Science & Education

The Science and Education cluster brings together a diverse team of experts, including economists, financiers, regional studies experts, sustainability professionals, urban planners, architects, and micro- and nanoelectronic specialists.

The cluster’s goal is to contribute to Ukraine's recovery through scientific research, conference presentations, and educational projects, and for expert members to actively engage in Ukraine’s process of recovery.

Key Achievements:

  1. Educational collaboration: In the Fall 2024-2025 academic semester, cluster members launched a joint master’s program in "Electrical Engineering" between ETH Zurich and the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE). Currently, thirty Ukrainian students are enrolled in the program, attend all essential courses online, and are preparing to contribute to Ukraine in the micro- and nano-electronics field. A micro- and nanoelectronics laboratory has been established at KSE. During the first semester, five ETH Professors and six KSE professors taught courses in tandem. Understanding the importance of technology development in Ukraine and the need to rebuild this lost industry, private companies and government entities supported the launch of the programme, committing to provide students with opportunities for internships and practical training in companies such as Melaxis, Bosch, and Renesas.

  2. Grant participation: Cluster members collaborated on a grant proposal for the European Union’s EU COST Action Grant Application. This proposal,  «Digital Resilience in Energy, Security and Climate for European Unity», was prepared with the participation of 55 experts from all over the world, including representatives from Kyiv National Economic University.

  3. International Publications: As part of the global academic discourse on sustainable regional transformation, cluster member Dr. Prof. Vira Ohorodnyk published a research article on the future of agri-tourism in Ukraine in the Journal of Rural Studies, a leading international peer-reviewed journal specializing in rural development and sustainability. The article, "Envisioning the Future of Agri-tourism in Ukraine: From Minor Role to Viable Farm Households and Sustainable Regional Economies", explores the potential of agri-tourism to revitalize rural areas and foster economic resilience. In the context of Ukraine’s recovery, such research contributes to broader discussions about sustainable development strategies and the diversification of rural economies. The full publication is available at:

  4. Presentation of Scientific Findings on Ukraine's Reconstruction Projects
    - Involvement in Swiss Network with Ukraine Initiatives.
    Prof. Dr. Vira Ohorodnyk presented research findings about ‘Institutional Barriers and Support Mechanisms for Agri-tourism in Ukraine’ at the SNU’s exhibition ‘ETH with Ukraine—Exchanging Knowledge for a Sustainable and Resilient Future’, held from January 24th to February 5th, 2024. The presented research delves into the landscape of agritourism in Ukraine, assessing the sector’s potential to aid national advancement. Prof. Dr. Ohorodnyk studied available data on agriculture and tourism in Ukraine, including statistical data provided by the World Bank and Ukrainian authorities; conducted interviews with government officials and heads of agri-tourism associations; and analysed the regulation of agri-tourism activities within the framework of Ukraine’s regional development and future recovery.

    - International Forum Participation:
    Cluster experts participated in the First International Agglomeration Forum in Lviv, held October 17-18, 2024. During the panel "Agglomerations in Ukraine: Post-War Recovery Perspectives", members discussed climate-resilient development and Ukraine's "Green Recovery". They further discussed regional and community-level spatial planning, comprehensive development plans, and integrated approaches, emphasizing the importance of mobility in planning.

    - Symposium Presentation:
    Cluster members participated in the international symposium, “Rebuilding a Place to Call Home: The Future of Spatial Planning in Ukraine", and presented the following paper: “Spatial Development of Territorial Communities in Ukraine in the Context of Postwar Recovery”. This year's discussions addressed recovery challenges in governance, innovation in planning tools, and spatial planning education in Ukraine.

    - Congress Presentation: 
    Prof. Dr. Vira Ohorodnyk presented research findings on the institutional challenges and policy support mechanisms for the development of agri-tourism in Ukraine at the 17th EAAE Congress, held in Rennes, France. The congress, organized by the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE), focused on key economic, policy, and sustainability issues in European and global agricultural systems, providing a platform for knowledge exchange and discussion among researchers, policymakers, and industry professionals.

  5. Collaboration with Local Communities within the Science & Education Cluster for Ukraine’s Recovery
    - Dobryansk, Donets, Obukhiv, Boiarka, Bakhmatska, and Ichnia territorial communities are engaged in joint initiatives aimed at local socio-economic recovery. Cooperation with the Science & Education cluster provides expert support, knowledge exchange, and facilitates the implementation of sustainable solutions for community development.
    - Key areas of collaboration include restoring critical infrastructure, enhancing resilience to crises, and creating conditions for long-term economic growth.

Future Plans:
Collaboration with Ukrainian Association of Students and Academics in Zurich (UASAZ). We plan to collaborate between groups to create opportunities for Ukrainian researchers to present their work to an international audience and to draw further attention to Ukraine's recovery needs.

Grant Project Proposals
In their areas of expertise, cluster members will prepare grant proposals focused on innovative solutions, with outcomes aimed at supporting Ukraine's economic recovery in the future. These might include, for example, research on the sustainable recovery of Ukraine's energy infrastructure at regional and local levels.

Our cluster is committed to supporting Ukraine’s recovery, sharing expertise, and building networks for impactful change.

Collaboration with Academic Institutions:
Kyiv National Economic University
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Lviv Polytechnic National University 
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

Collaboration with Professional associations
Association of Spatial Planners of Ukraine - Council of Urbanists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
ECTP-CEU – European Council of Spatial Planners

Members and Contact

Prof. Dr. Vira Ohorodnyk, Senior Researcher at ETH (2022-2023), academic program coordinator at ETH (from August 2024), Expert in Sustainable and Regional Development, as well as Socio-Economic Recovery of Ukraine,
Mariia Markina, architect, PhD candidate at the Department of Regional Studies and Tourism, KNEU, expert in spatial planning and strategic planning of Ukraine’s regions,
Anna Gulko, architect, designer from Kyiv based in Zurich. Completed the CAS Rebuild Ukraine program at the University of Bern,
Roman Romanko, International Development Professional and Natural resources management Expert,